M6X Standing Leg Curl Machine
1750,00 € – 2020,00 € VAT tax includedStanding Leg Curl Machine. Leg Curl exercise is an isolated, strength-developing exercise that targets the hamstring muscles. 80 kg weight stack (extra weight on the standard […]
M8 Leg Extension Leg Curl Machine
2320,00 € – 2580,00 € VAT tax includedLeg Extension Leg Curl Machine offers two exercises in one machine. The muscles targeted are the quadriceps and hamstrings. Hand grips offer comfort and stability. 80 […]
M8X Leg Extension Machine
2320,00 € – 2550,00 € VAT tax includedLeg extensions focus the tension on your quadriceps. Our Leg Extension Machine is the only leg exercise that targets your quadriceps without involving other muscles. If […]
M8XX2 Leg Extension Leg Curl Machine
2620,00 € VAT tax includedLeg Extension Leg Curl Machine offers two exercises in one machine. The muscles targeted are the quadriceps and hamstrings. 80 kg weight stack (extra weight on […]
M9 Pec Fly Rear Delt Machine
2660,00 € VAT tax includedPec Fly Rear Delt Machine 80 kg weight stack (extra weight on the standard weight stack 4 EUR/kg.) Powder coat finish, choose a color code when […]
M9X Pectoral Fly Machine
2820,00 € VAT tax includedPectoral Fly Machine 80 kg weight stack (extra weight on the standard weight stack 4 EUR/kg) Powder coat finish, choose a color code when placing an […]
P1X Shoulder Press Machine
2860,00 € – 3500,00 € VAT tax includedThe shoulder Press Machine is a great way to start developing strong, powerful shoulders. Adjustable seat Multi-grip handle Powder coat finish, choose a color code when […]
P3LXX Multi Flight Machine for pectoral, deltoid and dorsal muscles
2490,00 € – 2670,00 € VAT tax includedPowder coat finish, choose a color code when placing an order 80 kg weight stack (extra weight on the standard weight stack 4 EUR/kg.) Adjustable, can […]
P3XX Lateral Shoulder Raise Machine
1850,00 € – 2130,00 € VAT tax includedSide hand raises are one of the most effective exercises to develop shoulder muscles. The lateral Shoulder Raise Machine simulator completes this exercise in isolation. Adjustable […]
V2 Glute Machine
2760,00 € – 3050,00 € VAT tax includedGlute Machine 80 kg weight stack (extra weight on the standard weight stack 4 EUR/kg.) Powder coat finish, choose a color code when placing an order […]
V3 Abductor and Adductor Machine
2730,00 € VAT tax includedAbductor and Adductor Machine for Outer Thigh Presses and Inner Thigh Squeezes. Standard weight stack 80 kg (extra weight on the standard weight stack 4 EUR/Kg) […]
V4 Hip Glute Machine
2870,00 € VAT tax includedHip Glute Machine The Multi Hip and Glute Machine offers full hip exercise – glute kickback, hip extension, hip flexion, adduction, and abduction Adjustable height of […]